Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Chicago Scene Under Attack

Like many cities, Chicago nightlife is under attack from it's own municipal government.  Just like Toronto's gov't attacked the rave scene in the early 2000's after an unfortunate incident, Chicago's gov't is doing the same... although they're taking action 5 years later.

Unlike Toronto's attack on venues, there's a law quietly being fast-tracked through Chicago's city hall that would require ALL promoters to be licensed.  This new law has been dubbed the 'Promoter Ordinance'.

Under the proposed law, independent promoters would have to acquire a promoter's license at a cost of up to $2000 every two years, obtain liability insurance for every event thrown, even if the presenting venue already has liability insurance, be fingerprinted and background checked, and maintain extensive records of each event.

As we know from our own scene, a law like this will pretty much eliminate all the smaller promoters and events for years to come and lead to a scene dominated by only large and possibly corporate events.  

Yet another city's scene set to fall due to their own council's (albeit delayed) knee-jerk reactions.

All the details for this proposed law are found HERE.

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