Friday, May 30, 2008

REAL Hip Hop, not Hip POP!!

The Wale & Nick Catchdubs "Mixtape About Nothing" is finally out! 

Grab it off zshare (part 1 and part 2) and bump it through the weekend and beyond. 

Here's the tracklist and production credits, and here's a link to buy physical copies packed with a limited-edition 10.Deep shirt.

Wale is so hot right now. This is the stuff I like... REAL Hip Hop, not Hip POP.

This is the sequel to the 100 Miles And Running tape Wale and Catchdubs put together last Summer, and if that was his 3 Ft High And Rising this one is definitely De La Soul Is Dead

Don't let the Seinfeld theme fool you - it gets pretty dark and dense at points, and shows another side to one of the most interesting dudes making music right now.  

100 Miles, however, is still one of my faves.  Fun party hip hop.  If you haven't got that, GIT IT!

What are you still doing here, go listen! Here's a bonus blend of "The Crazy" left on the cutting room floor.

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